Proving Your Love Hurts

Proving Your Love Hurts

Guys sorry for this late post. I was busy in some stuff, hope you understand. Lets start today's topic. 


Love is some kind of energy which can only be felt. But
Everywhere we go, we’re bombarded with tips and tricks about relationships. The most popular relationship advice of our time pushes this idea that it is important to prove our love, to show it again and again, in order to keep a relationship healthy.

Why do we need tips to save our relationships. Aren't we good enough or just want to prove more.

Yes, showing love is important, but it’s not all there is. If all you do is prove your love, you will always be stuck on the surface, never knowing how to get deep beneath. And when we don’t get deep with each other, we suffer all the shades of love deprivation, including loneliness, anxiety, and depression.

Now just imagine,
If I do not tell you, each day, each moment, that I still love you, you lose faith in me. This makes me feel as if you do not trust me. You doubt my words. You doubt me.
It seem awful.

Its better to love your family, friends, partner instead of proving.
Proving hurts but loving not.
Loving can hurt if proving is there.

Conclusion is, love your partner, family, friends but never ever try to prove it.
If you will start proving, it will start hurting you.
You can find many books in market about saving relationship but all this is the temporary solution, permanent solution is love without proving.


  1. Nicely written... I thought its a feel.. If u feel herself about ur love.... Then.....

  2. Thanks bro..sounds like you found something which is very close to you, in the blog.


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