Why India is still a Developing Nation

Why India is still a Developing Nation 

This resource will provide necessary information on why India is still a developing nation and not a developed nation.

Whom are we waiting for? Lets start,

1. Population

It is clearly shown India is in second position but it is not what we can proud of. If a country is highly populated it is sure that the development of the country will also be very slow. The major fact is that there should be resources available for the same to be distributed among the people.

(Ye to whi baat ho gyi bakra katega sabme batega)

There is a quote said by Jawaharlal Nehru "India is rich but Indians are Poor".

2. Politics in India

Politics is a great issue in any country. Political leaders focus mainly on earning lots of money when they are in the political fields.

If the India has to be made a developed nation then it is very much necessary that the political field should undergo a severe change. The political leaders should be taken out from their seat. I can even tell that the educated and well experienced people should be sent to those responsible seats to rule the country and make decisions for the sake of the country. I am not saying all are same i'm saying most of them are same. If we can change this most to few, it will be great for us and for country too.

3. Lack of Literacy and Knowledge

There was a time when India is said to be the pioneer of literacy around the globe. If we believe in historical facts or old proverbs and stories that say that it was India who have introduced “zero” to the world. But the irony of this country is that the things are getting worst instead of getting better with the passing of time. The literacy rate has dropped tremendously in previous years. The literacy rate has become an important consideration for the country.

4. Unemployment

Every month, a million Indians become age-eligible to join the workforce, but the growth in jobs has not kept pace with the rising number of aspirants. The result is unemployment has been on the rise.

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